Saturday, January 30, 2016


You get that hitch in your throat

Your going to cry and you know it

People walking past staring at you as a idle curiosity

Your tear stained shamed face ,used

You were used , in a bad way, did things you normally wouldn't ,you sold your self

You're Like a whore's rubber , the kind that has marks running down her arm

You were a five dollar transaction in a port a potty

Nobody wants to come close ,they could catch your inhumanity

No one wants to touch the used prophylactic

Saturday, January 23, 2016


A cealing of stars meet my gaze

I'm floating spun gently by Aphrodite the godess of love

Soft lamps cleave to her form like a lover

They caress her as my eyes sear her reflection into my brain

A lovers touch

The taste of salt

Firefly's and starlight standing watch against the ever changing shadows; which meld together like smoke left in a room

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Do you remember

What it was like ,when I brushed my lips against the nape of your neck

Down to the middle of your back, just barely raising the hairs there.

Pain of desire

A twist and a torchered shutter.

A moan , a gasp and into the furnace.

Monday, December 28, 2015


Of butterfly kisses and eyelash wishes blown in the wind.

Of petal's pulled apart," he loves me , he loves me not; he loves me.

Of blue sky's with billowie clouds," what's that one mama?" " a dinosaur I think"

Inocent , unaltered, can't beat it on a stick. Unless that stick has cherry Popsicle flavoring and sticky figures.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Broken wings

She lay on the forest floor in the soft moss

A bird of love struck down by a bird of pray

She could remember the long spiral down, it took a life time to reach the forest floor

As she fell a life less lived met her eye, as she watched other birds fly

The broken sparrow cryed as the day passed, for she knew she would never feel the wind on her wing tips again

Her crying was the most beautiful sound the forest had ever heard. A single piece of due fell from the canopy in tribute. The forest had shed a tear

Then the wolves came

Saturday, December 12, 2015


Hope was strangled and love clubbed. I'm just going to not make it. I want the impossible. I prayed to God that he could take ten years off of my life if I had the smallest chances to change things. Carful what you pray. I now have a heart condition that I take toperol for. I've never been without my cubs for Christmas. I've never felt so hopless and alone. I keep having diologes with my self and that makes me feel crazy to. Is this communication, is it journaling. Is it begging the universe. I feel like a man with broken legs that knows he has to get to the top of a mountain. I've been clawing my way but I have five miles of hard brush ahead of me. It would be so easy to lay down. Just lay down and stop, stop trying.


They stood before God for their vows, their hands embraced

Said she to him, " I promise to love thee untill I have other things to do."

To she, " I promise to obay as long as it suits me."

To he, " I love you now but I will abandon you, a ghost of who I was. Tragedy will chip away at my heart untill it is flint with in my breasts. "

To she," I will not care, after you abandon me I will become stone."

Her heart didn't become flint, and stone was not he.

A dart to the heart, a blow to the head. Love dead

What can you do when love is dead

Sift through the embers

Even though your heart is ashes; gray in your chest

Find one tear drop and offer it up to God

And pray for redemption